Boehringer Ingelheim Veterinary Student Award

The Boehringer Ingelheim Veterinary Student Award, highlights and underscores the BI Veterinary Scholar mission of exposing veterinary students to biomedical research and potential research career paths. The 2023 recipient will receive $1500 cash, be recognized at the 2023 Veterinary Scholars Symposium and if applicable a travel stipend to present their work at the Symposium. 

This award is open to veterinary students who participated in the summer scholar program, attended the national Veterinary Scholars Symposium, presented their work in the form of a poster, and completed their proposed project work plan by December 30th. 

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Woman presenting

2023 Boehringer Ingelheim Veterinary Student Awardee

Kimaya Bakhle is a second year DVM-PhD student at the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine. After receiving her undergraduate degree from Purdue University, Kimaya spent a year doing research in the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine, studying alterations to the blood-brain barrier during formation of brain metastases and drug-metabolizing enzyme activity in dogs with bladder cancer.

These experiences led her to Cornell, where Kimaya has now completed her first year of veterinary school and her three PhD laboratory rotations. She spent her first rotation in the Van de Walle Lab, where she identified potential microRNA biomarkers of breast cancer using mammary stem and progenitor cells from six species. In the future, Kimaya hopes to use her background in veterinary medicine and cancer biology research to improve outcomes for animals and humans with cancer.

Woman presenting

2023 Boehringer Ingelheim Veterinary Student Awardee

Kimaya Bakhle is a second year DVM-PhD student at the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine. After receiving her undergraduate degree from Purdue University, Kimaya spent a year doing research in the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine, studying alterations to the blood-brain barrier during formation of brain metastases and drug-metabolizing enzyme activity in dogs with bladder cancer.

These experiences led her to Cornell, where Kimaya has now completed her first year of veterinary school and her three PhD laboratory rotations. She spent her first rotation in the Van de Walle Lab, where she identified potential microRNA biomarkers of breast cancer using mammary stem and progenitor cells from six species. In the future, Kimaya hopes to use her background in veterinary medicine and cancer biology research to improve outcomes for animals and humans with cancer.

Kimaya Bakhle 23 Poster Session

Meet 2023 Boehringer Ingelheim Veterinary Student Awardee


Kimaya Bakhle 23 Poster Session

Meet 2023 Boehringer Ingelheim Veterinary Student Awardee


The 2024 recipient will receive $1,500 cash and be recognized at the 2024 Veterinary Scholars Symposium. The recipient will also receive a travel stipend to present their work at the Symposium, which includes event registration, air travel from their North American vet school, accommodations, meals and transportation costs.


Please complete the online application linked below. Compile the required documents in one PDF file and send it to by December 30, 2023.


2024 Boehringer Ingelheim Veterinary Student Award - Application Closed

Award criteria:

The Scholar, regardless of funding source, has met the criteria to be selected as a summer scholar in line with the program mission and will submit data from the 2023 summer work only.

The Scholar attended the 2023 Veterinary Scholars Symposium and presented their work in the form of a poster.

The Scholar completed the 2023 proposed project work plan as agreed with their Principal Investigator. Individual projects should include a testable hypothesis, specific objectives, description of research, and interpretation/discussion of data and findings in the form of an abstract and/or poster.  Demonstration of the use of biomedical research skills in specialty fields is desirable.

The award is also open to international BIVSP scholars. 

Award Requirements:

1) A summary of the Scholar's 2023 (only) work in manuscript format,

(2) A letter from the Scholar highlighting their experiences from the summer research and committing to attend the 2024 Veterinary Symposium to present their work,

(3) A letter of recommendation from the Principal Investigator who mentored the student during the summer, and

(4) A letter of recommendation from the BIVSP Program Director of your university.

Please submit applications electronically. Applications must be received by December 30, 2023.

Hard copy submissions will not be accepted.